Monthly Archives: June, 2011

Charactor Design : Crabs

Mess Production 1.9 dated 24.06.11

Mess Production 1.8 Dated 23.6.11

Mess Production 2.1 dated ??.06.11

Mess Production 1.6 Dated ??.06.11

Mess Production 1.5 Dated 16.6.11 ( keep one out of 30 sketches )

Mess Reproduction 1.4 Dated 15.6.11

Virtue and Sin

In the Law of God , it is a sin if one has a lust in his heart.
In the Law of Man , it is a crime if one commits rape.
It is a virtue if one is selfless to sacrifice for one’s neighbour
If one is force to sacrifice , against his free will , is it still virtuous ?
Is it virtue only having virtue intent? but affects no one?
Or virtue can only be measured base on virtuous acts?


A person drinking coffee ,

the coffee bean is actually eaten twice ,

1st by the coffee maker mechanical organs

grinding the beans

into powder

and liquifies it ,

2nd by the person consuming it ,

mouth to throat , intestine , stomach …

so much like the way flies digest their food externally.


If one occupies a room like one fills up water in a glass ….

You occupies the room when you move into it ,

 breathe and sleep in it .

You occupies it more when you paint it ,

 furnish it and decorate it.

You occupies it completely when you call it home , thats when the glass is full.