Monthly Archives: March, 2012

Draft for Life Art Society Exhibtion Catalog

Chong Lee Chiang explores abstract calligraphic expression which is
similar to the practice of Chinese calligraphy cursive script( 书法
草书 ). The drawing should be completed in one quick session,
having both awareness and stroke applied onto the paper in a
continuous manner, marked by the ink either from a pen, a marker or
a special brush with an ink cartridge.

There is a rent free space, without
cost for the artist to exhibit his
artworks to the public. If he
chooses to and is brave enough, he
may exhibit his artwork every
single day.
He does this simply by putting on
the T-shirt designed by himself and
going out to the streets.
He is exhibiting to the public while
he is waiting for a bus at a bus stop
or commuting on the MRT train.
He is exhibiting to the public while
he is shopping in the malls or
reading a book in the National
He is exhibiting to the public while
he is having lunch in the food
court, dinner in the restaurant or a
drink in the pub with his friends.
His viewers – the public – are
strangers whom he does not know,
who happened to encounter the
artist by chance in the public
sphere. It is such a rare sight for
the public to see the artist together
with his artwork as One.

New Adult T for MAAD event 9 March 2012

The black t image is a dog.04032012933

Bear for baby Keith