Blog story 3.3 “That loving feeling”

Branch from blog story 1.0 –> blog story 3.0 —> blog story 3.1 —> blog story 3.2

Before two comes one ,  there is war .

An epic battle fought on a daily basis

between two stubbonly violent souls

Sometimes he wins , sometimes she wins .

As by standers it is better not to take sides,

unless you feel that life has no meaning and want to die today.

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

2 responses

  1. 15 This bag is good-looking, functional and rummy. A western style and too glare like princess, I am satisfied with the full work.

    it is worth to be bought.

    1. Are you refering to something else ?

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